
!delicious apps for iPhone

كتبت من قبل موضوع عن delicious ومدى اهميته في حفظ المفضلات على الانترنت بدل وجودها على جهازك فقط

والآن اصبح delicious على iphone سيمكنك الآن جعل bookmarks او العلامات المفضلة تلاحقك اينما كنت عوضا ان تلاحق مواقعك المفضل
ة بكمبيوترك الخاص فقط

يوجد اكثر من برنامج لـdelicious على Iphone لكل واحد منهم ميزته و عيوبه حسب توافقها لمتطلبات المستخدم وهذه وصلات تحميل لكل app

Delicious وهو افضلهم بسبب عدة ميزاته وتصفحه عن طريق البرنامج بدل من سفاري

Tasty ميزته بامكانية عرض مبسط للوصلة قبل تص
فحها و امكانية استخدام network لوصلات الاصدقاء و inbox للرسائل الخاصة

Mydelicious ميزته هو التزامن السريع للوصلات مع حسابك بدون الانتظار وامكانية الخيار بالتصفح بسفاري

Red Delicious اول برنامج نزل وبه ميزة مشاهدة اكثر الوصلات مشاهدة من مشتركي الخدمة

انا انصح بتحميل جميع app واختيار مايناسبك حسب الميزات و خفة البرنامج و قد لايعمل بعضها بسبب النسخة او بسبب firmw
are لديك

لمن يريد اضافتي في network الخاصة بـdelicious
go to people then network then add user

اتمنى لكم تفصحاً لذيذاً

...اقرأ المزيد

Cat Portrait

I am so cute!!

صورة جديدة من تصويري موجودة في معرضي بفليكر

لعرض الصورة بالحجم الكبير يرجى الضغط على الصورة للذهاب الى flickr

اتمنى انها تعجبكم

Real Fantasy. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

...اقرأ المزيد


!!Where is Wally

Where's Wally?
(titled Where's Waldo? in the United States and Canada) is a series of children's books created by the British illustrator Martin Handford. The books consist of a series of complex full-page illustrated pictures of hundreds of tiny people doing various things. The purpose is to find a character called Wally among the group, which can be difficult as he is always well hidden. Wally dresses in a red and white hooped shirt and bobble hat, carries a wooden walking stick, and wears glasses. Readers are also invited to find lost items, including books, camping equipment and Wally's shoes.

The first book in the series, originally titled Where's Wally?, was published in 1987. The books became extremely popular and were translated into many languages. Wally is often given a different name in the translations. The franchise also spawned a TV series, a comic strip and a series of video games.

try it your self

even in Google earth

On Thursday, April 2, 2009 1,052 students, alumni, and members of the community at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, captured the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people dressed as Waldo. The event raised money for New Brunswick public schools

...اقرأ المزيد


Double Twist

افضل واسرع برنامج مجاني لاضافة ملفات الميديا الى جهازك

Double Twist
برنامج يحول ويضيف ملفات الفيديو و الصوت الى جهاز الجوال بمجرد نفر و سحب ملف الميديا الى البرنامج drag & drop وهو سيقوم بعملية تحول ملف الفيديو الى الامتداد المناسب لجهازك extension شكل البرنامج يشابه iTunes الى حد كبير

البرنامج يعمل على Mac & windows also supports x64

وهذه الاجهزة المتوافقة مع البرنامج

Sony PSP
Nokia N & E Series phones
Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0
iPhone & iPod (for windows users only) !!
LG Viewty and Shine
digital cameras
Motorola (V9 and V3xx)
Sansa View and Sansa e200 series
G1 and Android phones
Amazon Kindle

البرنامج مجاني و لايزال على نسخة بيتا ويتطلب تسجيل البريد الالكتروني و تفعيله عند استخدام البرنامج لاول مرة

...اقرأ المزيد

The Goon

The Goon
is a comic book series created by Eric Powell in March 1999. The story is about the adventures of the Goon, a muscle-bound brawler who claims to be the primary enforcer for the feared mobster Labrazio. The Goon (and his sidekick Franky) often get tied up in other machinations, often in relation to the evil zombie gangs under the command of the Nameless Zombie Priest

The series has a distinctly paranormal slant, with the average story concerning ghosts, ghouls, skunk-apes with an unnatural hunger for pie, extra-dimensional aliens, and mad scientists

On more than one occasion,
Powell has metafictionally hinted that the context of The Goon is a creation of pure fiction, taking place in a comic reality instead of implying - in the mold of Spider-Man or Superman - that it is occurring in the "real" world. This is best illustrated in two issues, one in which Hellboy - another comic plot "inserted" into reality - meets the Goon after being transported through an issue of The Goon, the other in which a small boy finds and reads a Goon comic book. In another episode, the Goon's sidekick Franky finds and reads an issue of The Goon and is critical of its accuracy

in June, 2008 it was announced on the Goon official site that a CG animated film of The Goon was to be produced by the award-winning Blur Studio, produced by David Fincher and written by Eric Powell. A release date has not yet been specified, nor has a plot

...اقرأ المزيد