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The Goon

The Goon
is a comic book series created by Eric Powell in March 1999. The story is about the adventures of the Goon, a muscle-bound brawler who claims to be the primary enforcer for the feared mobster Labrazio. The Goon (and his sidekick Franky) often get tied up in other machinations, often in relation to the evil zombie gangs under the command of the Nameless Zombie Priest

The series has a distinctly paranormal slant, with the average story concerning ghosts, ghouls, skunk-apes with an unnatural hunger for pie, extra-dimensional aliens, and mad scientists

On more than one occasion,
Powell has metafictionally hinted that the context of The Goon is a creation of pure fiction, taking place in a comic reality instead of implying - in the mold of Spider-Man or Superman - that it is occurring in the "real" world. This is best illustrated in two issues, one in which Hellboy - another comic plot "inserted" into reality - meets the Goon after being transported through an issue of The Goon, the other in which a small boy finds and reads a Goon comic book. In another episode, the Goon's sidekick Franky finds and reads an issue of The Goon and is critical of its accuracy

in June, 2008 it was announced on the Goon official site that a CG animated film of The Goon was to be produced by the award-winning Blur Studio, produced by David Fincher and written by Eric Powell. A release date has not yet been specified, nor has a plot


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